Friday, April 15, 2011

Our future

The bad news is that the SHONA women are homeless again. Almost.

The good news is that we have a plan.

But we need your help.

We need to build a small workshop right away. The SHONA women are being forced to leave their current home and workshop within the next week. I know, I know, they just moved into that space. And they loved it. But this is the problem with renting in Goma. The landlord decided he wanted to build a hotel there and told them they need to leave "tomorrow!!"

Without your help they will have no where to work.

But you can play a huge part in our future by helping us build a workshop. You can put a roof of their heads, literally. You can buy the wood that will build the walls. Or the door that will keep them safe.

Here is the great news: this workshop will stand for years to come. It will be built on land that the SHONA woman have already purchased, through the work of their own hands. It is a small piece of land, but they bought it themselves. It will be a humble workshop, but one we have built ourselves.

100% of your donation will be used to cover the construction costs are listed here.

Sometimes we have to stand for the things we believe in.

If you like what we do. If you believe in the SHONA women

Please support their future.
Check it out here.

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