Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Join us for some great opportunities!

Do you run? Or walk? Or maybe just shop?

Come and visit us at The Run for Congo Women in New York City on September 24th! It is a great event, and the money raised benefits Women for Women's Congo program which I have seen on the ground in Goma doing good work.

You can register for the run/walk here, and even if you can't join in on the run you can come out, cheer your friends on, and take advantage of a rare opportunity to shop SHONA goods in person! I know SHONA definitely has friends and customers in the New York City area and I'd really love to meet you in person! SHONA will have a table at the starting point and at the reception area, and we would love to see you there!

Or come and enjoy an evening with Eve Ensler benefiting Congolese women through the City of Joy and shop at the SHONA pop-up boutique there. This fabulous fund-raising event is organized by Women of the Congo.

Not in the NY area? Can't make it to either of these events? We also attend a variety of craft shows throughout the fall and are always looking for more events to attend. Let us know your ideas! We'd love to make more friends.

And in the meantime, we can definitely use your help getting ready. I attend these events in person (keep in mind I am already 6 months pregnant!) In fact I spend a fair amount of my Fall weekends at events like these trying to represent the SHONA women well. It is super exciting to get out and meet some of our customers, and is a great opportunity for SHONA, but it is also a bit exhausting transporting our stock and setting it all up (Many thanks to my husband and parents who always lend a hand!) But remember, we don't get paid and all those little expense just to get us there often end up coming out of our own pockets, as we try to squeeze every cent back to the SHONA women.

In that respect, our display could definitely use some upgrading, but I'm afraid we just don't have the cash flow. You would be amazed at the difference it makes for the SHONA women's work to be displayed on a new table cloth or on a nice clothing rack. The last event I went to was outside, and I must admit I spent a fair amount of the day trying to keep our little stand from blowing over, and our already humble display got a bit bruised. Having the right equipment would be great! And it will be used again and again throughout the fall and in years to come, helping us to represent the SHONA women with pride. So if you are interested in making a small donation to our display upgrade we would be very thankful. Here is what we need...

Tablecloth $10

Bag rack $30

SHONA Banner/Poster $30

500 Brochures $35

Portable Folding Table $50

You can click the donate button here and choose the amount you would like to give. You can also specify which item you would like to purchase with your donation. To be honest, these are purchases we probably will simply forgo without your donations, so we really hope you will consider it.

As a small token of our thanks we will add your name to our wall of thanks and we'll email you a photo of our new display in action, so you can see exactly what you contributed toward.

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